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Recycling with Lavaris: We give waste a second life.

Our main activity focuses on innovative and eco-friendly solutions in the field of recycling. Our goal is to minimize the environmental impact and transform waste into valuable resources that can be reused in industry.

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Recycling tailored to your needs

Our services are tailored to specific requirements.

Comprehensive material consulting

We offer more than just recycling – we also provide comprehensive expert consulting.

Inovativní recyklační technologie

We use the most advanced technologies for recycling even the most challenging materials.

Top-tier industrial recycling as a service.

We enable complete outsourcing of recycling processes.

Expert Material Consulting

Thanks to our extensive experience and close collaboration with academic institutions

What materials can our technologies process?

Hard Materials: Granulated and crushed blast furnace slag, steel slag, concrete recyclate, construction and demolition waste, crushed waste glass, slag, and coal ash.

Soft Materials: Recycling of plastic waste types such as RDF (LDPE, HDPE, PP, PET, and others), rubber granulate, biomass, wood shavings and chips, composite packaging, plasterboard, fibrous materials, fleece, textiles.


Lavaris has achieved a major breakthrough in rubber material recycling with the development of a unique technology that enables the efficient separation of textile cords from rubber. A previously unsolvable problem, where textile residues contained over 50% rubber and were unsustainably used as fuel, has now been overcome. Our technology reduces the rubber content in textiles to less than 10%, opening up new possibilities for utilizing these materials as secondary raw materials.

Another success is our Active Rubber Powder (ARP), which stands out thanks to our advanced recycling technologies and methods, enabling the devulcanization and subsequent re-vulcanization process. This powder, with its porous surface, can be mixed with new rubber and re-vulcanized, allowing its repeated use without chemical additives. ARP thus brings significant savings to the industry and increases the sustainability of production, which was recognized with first place in the "Waste to Resources" competition.

One of our most successful projects in rubber recycling includes tire recycling for Trelleborg. Currently, we are collaborating with Yokohama to recycle defective tires from production, transforming them into Active Rubber Powder (ARP) with a size of 250 µm. This exclusive product is packed into small bags weighing 2–3 kg, according to the production technologists' requirements. The packaged material is then added to new mixes in the tire production process.

Our collaboration with Michelin and involvement in the WhiteCycle project further advances our search for new ways to recycle complex materials and transform them into valuable raw materials for producing new products. Through these efforts, Lavaris contributes to the development of the circular economy and a sustainable future.


Let's recycle together! - Tailored industrial recycling


"My collaboration with Lavaris started completely by chance. Mr. Karra’a, like me (despite our advanced age), enjoys playing football. After many months of regular playing, he once asked me: 'I know you've been dealing with fragrances for a long time and working with manufacturers in this area. Would it be possible to completely eliminate the scent or odor from a material?' He was right on both counts – our team, along with colleagues from Aroma, holds the Czech record for the longest collaboration between an academic institution (VŠCHT Prague) and an industrial company (Aroma Prague), which has lasted continuously for over 50 years. We solved the task quickly, ecologically, and economically. The solution also makes use of a previously unpleasant waste, turning it into a valuable raw material for another production process. We are truly looking forward to further cooperation with Lavaris!"

Prof. Ing. Libor Červený, DrSc., VŠCHT

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"LAVARIS is not only a technological innovator, focused on materials that other companies deem non-recyclable, but it also brings a crucial theme of ecological design. Through the Reborn Design competition, they emphasize a fundamental perspective that approximately 80% of a product's environmental impact can be influenced during its manufacturing and design phases. This is a campaign that has been sorely missing in the Czech Republic. I greatly appreciate the work of the entire team, which I have been following almost since the founding of INCIEN. At the same time, LAVARIS is involved in numerous research projects with Czech academic institutions, bringing significant insights and credibility to their activities, for which they have received various awards, including prestigious ministry competitions."

Ing. Soňa Klepek Jonášová, Founder of INCIEN


"The product eco-design studio Plastenco has been collaborating long-term with the technological company Lavaris due to their proven professionalism and ability to flexibly address project challenges. In collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University, we are working on a research project focused on developing technology for large-format 3D printing from recycled plastic. Our partnership with Lavaris is crucial to achieving Plastenco’s business goals—through our cooperation, we are able to develop new products based on the principles of circular economy.

Equally important is our joint organization of the Reborn Design student challenge since 2022. The technologists at Lavaris are adept at working with secondary materials from which students design new products."

Jitka Hvězdová, Founder & CEO PLASTENCO


"Lavaris, with its research capacity and wide range of technologies, is a fantastic partner for us in exploring material utilization for waste processing. I definitely recommend the company."

Cyril Klepek, Founder and Chairman of the Board, Cyrkl Zdrojová platforma s.r.o.


"Spolupráce s firmou LAVARIS s.r.o. byla pro nás velmi přínosná. Profesionalita, vstřícnost a konstruktivní přístup pracovníků byly samozřejmou součástí po celou dobu spolupráce, od specifikace zadání v oblasti opětovného využití různých typů druhotných surovin až po návrh technického řešení, které vyhovovalo našim potřebám.

Odborné znalosti a technické dovednosti pracovníků firmy LAVARIS s.r.o. v oblasti recyklace materiálů nám pomáhají vytvářet podmínky pro naplňování vlastních cílů Výzkumného ústavu stavebních hmot, a.s., kde “zodpovědný výzkum“ je cesta a „bezpečná budoucnost“ společným cílem. Spolupráce s firmou LAVARIS s.r.o. si velmi vážíme a vzhledem k dosavadním zkušenostem i zaměření našeho výzkumu se těšíme na další spolupráci při hledání novýchřešení přispívajících k udržitelnému rozvoji společnosti."

Ing. Zdeněk Krejza, PhD. - VÚSH

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"I would like to express my positive experience working with Lavaris. I personally find it very inspiring, especially because of the connection between the academic sphere and industry. Together, we focus on current R&D topics in the field of material recycling and are exploring new paths towards sustainability. I am convinced that new technologies and materials will be in high demand in the future. I appreciate the friendly and professional approach of the company, and I am glad that we can jointly contribute to the development in the area of material processing and their reuse."

Doc. Ing. Jiří Chvojka, Ph.D. - TUL (Technical University of Liberec)


"Lavaris and George Karra'a are pioneers in several areas related to recycling and the secondary use of raw materials. In recent years, we have supported some of their innovative projects and technologies, and we are keenly following how they gradually find their path to customers and the market. The company's products can significantly contribute to sustainability and the reduction of material and energy demands in the economy and industry, not only in the Czech Republic."

Pavel Jovanovič - CEO of the Central Bohemian Innovation Center

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"Rádi bychom vyjádřili svou spokojenost s firmou Lavaris za jejich inovační přístup k recyklaci sádrokartonu. Díky jejich inovativním postupům jsme měli možnost začít využívat recyklovaný stavební odpad v naší výrobě sádrokartonových desek a zároveň tak význam přispět k ochraně životního prostředí. Spolupráce s nimi byla od začátku do konce velmi profesionální, jejich tým byl vždy připraven poskytnout odborné rady a podporu. Oceňujeme jejich nasazení pro udržitelný rozvoj a vřele doporučujeme Lavaris každému, kdo hledá inovativního partnera v oblasti recyklace stavebních materiálů."


Ing. Radomír Kamler, SAINT-GOBAIN


We have been collaborating with Lavaris for over 10 years, with the main focus on rubber recycling. The company has been able to prepare active rubber powder of any granulation from the supplied rubber granulate. Our collaboration has not been limited to grinding rubber, but also extends to grinding other materials used in the rubber industry, such as nut shells.

We greatly value our collaboration with the company due to their willingness to search for and find solutions to our needs and others' requirements. In this regard, Ing. George Karra’a plays an exceptional role. His creative activity goes beyond the usual level and has always been beneficial to us. It is no coincidence that our collaboration has led to not only interesting publications but also technological voucher solutions and recognition by the Ministry of the Environment.

Doc. Ing. Antonín Kuta, CSc., Institute of Polymer Science, CTU in Prague


"We have been successfully collaborating with Lavaris s.r.o. since the beginning of 2023, when we established a business partnership through the Reborn Design competition for young designers. Since then, we have been working together on waste recycling programs for our business and products. What we particularly appreciate about the collaboration is Lavaris's technological sophistication and the innovative ideas they bring. In today's world, where the transition to a circular economy is almost a necessity, the ability to recycle and transform waste into secondary raw materials is crucial for us. Lavaris s.r.o. has fully met our expectations in this regard and has become our long-term partner."

Jiří Tyl, EHS Manager, BAT CZ, SK & HU


"Dear Mr. Karra’a,

Allow me to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for your cooperation on the RECYKLUJI! NESKLÁDKUJI! conference project, of which you are a partner.

It is remarkable how extensive your company’s efforts in the field of recycling are. I would like to particularly highlight your expanding portfolio of waste materials that you are able to recycle, as well as the technologies you design and bring to life for this purpose.

Your dedication, vision, knowledge, and the results of your work are an inspiration to the wider professional community, and I am glad that we can cooperate and mutually expand our horizons and support each other."

Petra Kaldová, CEO AZS98


"For our project, which involved the production of a completely new innovative material, we were looking for a partner who could meet our specific requirements. We are very glad that Lavaris was recommended to us, and they approached our unusual task with maximum commitment. Together, with their expertise in recycling, we created a material that was later processed into winter jackets for our client. This collaboration was very successful, and we look forward to future joint projects."

Veronika Babkov, Co-founder & COO, Imminent


"The collaboration with Lavaris impressed me with their approach to recycling and their constant search for new methods."

RNDr. Petra Innemanová, Ph.D. (Institute of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Charles University)


"We established cooperation with Lavaris three years ago for the development of recycling lines for processing various types of waste. We especially appreciate Lavaris' innovative approach and efficient solutions, which is why we agreed on a long-term strategic partnership for the realization of our projects in the field of municipal and industrial waste recovery."

Ing. Ľubomír Švantner, Chairman of the Board, Enviro Lieskovec, a.s.


After more than six years of experience, I would characterize Lavaris as follows: A company where substance is as important as form, and the result is the ultimate priority. Where pathways are sought to achieve goals, and flexibility is balanced with a systematic approach.

In short, Lavaris has delivered everything we agreed upon, even though it initially seemed like science fiction. Recycling here takes on a tangible and practically useful character.

Ing. Miroslav Nyč, Product Management Manager, KNAUF Praha


Lavaris is a company where passion for the circular economy, high-quality research, and continuous innovation come together. And that is what makes it successful! Thank you very much for the ongoing collaboration; it’s clear that you approach everything with integrity and consistency. Keep up the great work!

Michala Pešková, CEO & Founder, MIDA Consulting

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